I miss my precious life before...
I miss my parents very2 much...
I miss my adik2...
I miss my cheerish moment...
I miss my wonderful day...
I miss my own smile...
I miss my love to love me....
I miss my own smile...
I miss my love to love me....
I miss the way my love to love me...
I miss him as the way he is before....
P/S:Entry kali ni kerana hati aku sgt sakit2....
Sgt2 sedih...
5 ulasan:
hmm kinda understand.. but somtime men need to be reminded, again n again. take care maz.
maz, kna byk bersabar sgt2...
tu la... kena buat record untuk diremind selalu.....
gaduh ke kak???
sori..kinda busy body..huhu
myb coz ak boring..
whtevr..just ignore ths..
npe nye nih....x nak stori kat aku ker????
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